Health Tips


How many folks do you know who say they don’t want to drink anything before going to bed because they’ll have to get up during the night.

Heart Attack and Water – I never knew all of this ! Interesting…….
Something else I didn’t know … I asked my Doctor why people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor – Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!
I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me. Correct time to drink water…

Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body
2 glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke or heart attack
I can also add to this… My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.

Mayo Clinic Aspirin Dr. Virend Somers, is a Cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic, who is lead author of the report in the July 29, 2008 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Most heart attacks occur in the day, generally between 6 A.M. and noon. Having one during the night, when the heart should be most at rest, means that something unusual happened. Somers and his colleagues have been working for a decade to show that sleep apnea is to blame.
1. If you take an aspirin or a baby aspirin once a day, take it at night.
The reason: Aspirin has a 24-hour “half-life”; therefore, if most heart attacks happen in the wee hours of the morning, the Aspirin would be strongest in your system.
2. FYI, Aspirin lasts a really long time in your medicine chest, for years, (when it gets old, it smells like vinegar).
Please read on…
Something that we can do to help ourselves – nice to know. Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve instantly on the tongue.
They work much faster than the tablets.
Why keep Aspirin by your bedside? It’s about Heart Attacks.
There are other symptoms of a heart attack, besides the pain on the left arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nausea and lots of sweating; however, these symptoms may also occur less frequently.

Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack.
The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep did not wake up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep.
If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water.
Afterwards: – Call 911. – Phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by.- Say “heart attack!” – Say that you have taken 2 Aspirins.
Take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and …DO NOT LIE DOWN!
A Cardiologist has stated that if each person after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life could be saved!
I have already shared this information. What about you?
Do forward this message. It may save lives!
“Life is a one time gift”

Beads fashion

Be it on the neck, wrists or waist…..
As Africans, there’s no wrong in putting on beads. Beads are fashioned for traditional beatification, honour and protection.

Large and colorful beads symbolise wealth and social status. Blue beads are thought to enhance fertility. Red beads are reserved for ceremonies like tribal festivals, funerals, circumcisions of young boys and harvest dances. Black implies age and wisdom etc.

Though some women do put it on without knowing, but there are so many reasons why African women put beads on their waist but I’ll name just the 5 most important reasons why women wear beads:

*Sexual Appeal. It is believed that a woman in waist beads is sexually appealing to men. Some women even customise their lovers names to show how much love they have for them and to assure them that their waist belongs only to them. Beads also servers as
Body Shapers. Waist beads serve as a natural waist trainers for some women.

*Traditional Practices.

*Healing and Meditation.

*Heritage and Pride.

*Maturity and Growth.

You need more light?


⭕ 1. The anger of a penis doesn’t destroy the vagina. (Zimbabwe)
⭕ 2. There’s no virgin in a maternity ward. (Cameroon)
⭕ 3. A child can play with it’s mother’s breasts but not with the father’s testicles. (Ghana)
⭕ 4. The man who marries a beautiful woman and the farmer who grows corn by the road side have the same problem. (Ghana)
⭕ 5. When you see a woman sitting with her legs open, never tell her to close them, because u do not know her source of fresh air. (Ethiopia)
⭕ 6. He who says that nothing lasts forever has never tried Hausa perfume. (Nigeria)
⭕ 7. The only woman who knows where her man is every night is a widow. (Togo)
⭕ 8. An erected penis has no conscience. (Uganda)
⭕ 9. If u go to sleep with an itching anus, u are sure to wake up with smelly fingers. (Kenya)
⭕ 10. The day a mosquito lands on your testicles is the day you will know there is a better way of resolving issues without using violence.(Senegal )


To Pro-Ruga


The National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru, Jos has published a research that the HERDERS/FARMERS barbaric act in Nigeria in law is not CLASH OR CONFLICT but TRESPASS AND REVERSE AGGRESSION and recommended the enactment of Ant-Grazing and Ranching law as the only solution to the herders trespass on farmers land leading to tribal sentiment, dichotomy, intolerance, ethnic cleansing behind the mask of Islam; anarchy, killings, pogrom, unrest, panic, barbarism, looting, immorality; rape of wives and daughters, destruction of property and economy, national instability, threat to national unity, turning IDPS camps into permanent home and bringing foreigners to occupy the displaced homes by use of public funds to corruptly finance the project while the citizens wallow in poverty, sickness and death.

HEALTH TIPS… vagina care

Women,Sisters,Sisi,Babe,SlayQueen, Omoge, Chikito “Take Care of your Vagina”
It’s not about designer pants for packaging your Vagina while the head quarters area is filled with hair that are over grown like grass land and the inner chambers are breeding mucus with nauseating odor


No matter how much we shy away from talking about it, the most interesting part of a woman’s body to the entire community, especially the opposite sex, is the vagina! You can be all ‘glammed’ up but if your vagina doesn’t do what it is meant to do, then you are tagged a man or it’s bye baby (for the opposite sex)!
Even If you plan to be a celibate for life, this still concerns you.if you plan to get married, be reproductive and build a family, then you need to pay attention to it.

You should spend more on your vagina than you spend on your make up. You should spend more on preventive health care than you spend on curative!


It is important to know the dos and don’ts when
it comes to vaginal care in order to prevent
infection, odour and irritation.

If you work out, sweat excessively, or are
involved in some other sweat-inducing activity,
then wash after each activity. Make sure you
change your undergarments at least daily and
wash them in hot water to kill any stubborn
bacteria. This will help to get rid of sweat and
bacteria may have been trapped, leaving you
feeling and smelling better.

Don’t use antiseptic soaps or body scrubs to
wash your vagina. These products make the
vagina unfavourable for good bacteria and
impact on vagina health causing candida super-
infection (the one popularly called “toilet

Unflavoured yogurt regularly or take probiotics.
These have live active bacteria that contribute
to the healthy ecological balance of the vagina.

Except you are having sexual intercourse.
Keeping moisture and sweat down there is a
recipe for bad odour and poor vagina health.
You can know your ovulation day; your safe
period (when to have sex and not conceive), and
also your fertile period every month with your

The longer they stay, the faster the bacteria on
them will breed, causing potential infections.

You shall also avoid pads or tampons with
deodorants, sprays or other chemicals.

Please if you have ears, LISTEN:

1. DO NOT DOUCH: that means do not clean
your vagina by inserting your fingers or soap or
anything else.

ALONE. Douching can change the acidity and
bacterial makeup of the vagina, causing
infections, which may spread to the uterus,
fallopian tubes, and ovaries. It has been
associated with bacterial vaginosis, yeast
infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, and
adverse events in pregnancy. Ladies, there’s no
need to douche or apply products internally. You
can keep your vagina healthy by simply washing
of the vulva (outside) with water during your
daily shower or bath. Even if you had sex, or just
finished your pees, there is NO need to wash
inside, you are damaging yourself.

vagina is a muscle, no amount of sticks or
stones or herbs will tighten it. The best you can
do to a muscle to work it, please try kegel
exercise. You can do this exercise anywhere at
any time. Do you know why you think your
vagina is tighter after using the sticks or herbs
etc? It is because they suck out the moisture
from inside and make your vagina to swell,
therefore becoming smaller and you think you
are tight. You are not, you are simply swollen
and having sex while swollen will increase your
chances of bruising, infection and other health

putting vinegar or ice cubes in your vagina.

BODY BECOME WARM; Flagyl is an antibiotic,
which should only be used when prescribed by a
doctor. Abusing it will only make you resistant to
it and by the time you are really sick and need
it, it will be useless.

You are making yourself
vulnerable to infections. STOP IT.

PLEASE HIM: Please if you have time take a
walk to the cancer ward at UCH, after that visit trust me you will not come here asking for Madura sticks or what to put in your vagina.

No man is worth putting your life at risk for.🤔

Sisters be wise!🙋🏽

 The truth About the Aliade-Makurdi accident: Ter Akya (eye witness account)

A fuel tanker belonging to Total company was coming from Aliade axis and had a fall around Ahumbe settlement area on Aliade-Makurdi road.

The tanker fell across the road, covering almost the entire breadth of the road, with only a little space left on the right side of the road.

The tanker DID NOT catch fire however fuel had already started to leak out.

Both the driver and conductor of the tanker were still around the vehicle.

The villagers DID NOT attempt to take fuel from the tanker.

A Toyota bus was coming behind from Aliade axis.

The villagers signalled the bus driver to slow down. They told him that oil had leaked and poured on the road so he should NOT use the tiny space left on the right hand side of the road but instead follow through one of the houses to the other side of the accident and continue with his journey.

The bus driver said he could manage and pass through that space without problem so he went ahead but when he got to the place where the oil had spilled, the hot exhaust of the bus touched the oil and the bus exploded into flames killing every PASSENGER onboard.

The villagers tried to put out the fire and while they were doing this, another explosion from the tanker injured and killed some of them.

I feel so sad right now… so very sad.

The Questions and lessons:

1. Could these deaths have been prevented if the bus driver had listened?

2. Could the passengers in the bus have been saved if they were reasonable and courageous enough to come out of the bus and allow the strong headed driver to drive through that dangerous spot alone?

3. Could the villagers lives have been saved if they weren’t trying to rescue fellow human beings (strangers) in danger?

4. Will the relatives of these passengers ever know what happened to their loved ones if they fail to arrive their destinations?

It is the Lord who protects and rescues us daily from danger. May He give us the grace to avoid the dangers we can see and may his mighty arm continue to protect us from danger.


CMBCF faults benue and Taraba governments over rejection of Ruga settlement for pastoral herders. By jigh jigh

The Concerned Middle Belt Citizens Forum (CMBCF) has faulted Benue State Govenror, Samuel Ortom and his Taraba State counterpart, Darius Ishaku, for kicking against the planed Ruga settlement for pastoral herders.
Ortom and Ishaku had come out to voice their rejection of the imitative by the Buhari-led government with the aim of resoling the lingering herders/farmers crises.
National President of the CMBCF, Comrade Augustine Awulu at a press conference of Wednesday, said the governor deliberately stalling peace efforts to end the nagging menace.
Earlier, the National Democratic Front (NDF) had called on Governors Ortom, Ishaku and others to emulate the former governor of Ogun State, Ibikunle Amosun and turn in every weapon in their possession to the relevant authority their own good.
Awulu of the CMBCF said Ruga settlement for the herders remains a lasting panacea to the nagging crises between farmer and cattle rearers.
Text of his statement below.
The Concerned Middle Belt Citizens Forum” (CMBCF) is again constrained to speak to Nigerians for obvious reasons. In the course of the week, the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) led by President Muhammadu Buhari announced its intention to experiment with establishing “Ruga Settlements,” for pastoral herders in 12 pilot states of the country.
Surprisingly, this policy has been greeted with a strong cynicism, antagonism and antipathy by some States Governors in Nigeria from the Southeast and North Central States. We consider this absurd in the truest sense of it.
We are not principally concerned with whatever the Governors of the Southeast think about this policy which is a carefully thought-out plan and strategy to end the regime of clashes, killings and destructions between herders and farmers in Nigeria.
We have grieved over these skirmishes enough and President Buhari had sufficiently notified us that “Whatever it will take, I am determined to bring peace between farmers and herders.” The President aims at adopting a middle course as an enduring solution between the herders and farmers. And “Ruga Settlements,” are ideal by our sense of fair judgement.
Therefore, we were not disappointed when Governors of the Southeast opposed it; but drenched in sadness when the twosome of Taraba state Governor, Arch. Dairus Ishaku and his Benue State counterpart, Hon. Samuel Ortom voiced opposition to Ruga settlements.
Northerners do not share same cultural ties or even economic proclivities with the Southeast. Easterners are basically businessmen and women or commercialists or traders. But in the Middle Belt, we are farmers notable in crops and animal husbandry. There is little essence in emphasizing that we need one another to survive in this hostile world.
And we must necessarily see ourselves as members of the same family, bond by the same economic destiny. Its difficult to change this narrative now, as wished by some partisan State Governors, who are exploiting the herders/farmers crises to protect their unpopular decisions and blur shortcomings as state leaders.
Nigerians are aware of the history of the herders and farmers clashes in the country and its aggravation in the last few years. The States Government of Benue and Taraba have already passed anti-open grazing laws, which are in their very contents and mode of implication very defective and deficient, while they prescribed ranching as solution.
The magnitude of the clashes and carnage between cattle rearers and farmers has exacerbated because of these faulty or grey areas in the anti-open grazing laws. And there is no way, any right-thinking leader would feel, we shall continue to exist on such fault lines. Let us state clearly that we are not necessarily faulting the laws, but the grey areas in it, which are known to the Governors who hurriedly endorsed such laws under whatever convictions.
The unalterable truth remains that at this stage of our lives, we cannot convincingly say, only crop farmers are needed and so, herders should go to hell! It’s impossible! Whether we like it not, we must find a way of accommodating both farmers and herders in the same geographical enclave. That’s why we find “Ruga Settlements,” idealistic, rational and acceptable.
The “Ruga Settlements” is an initiative of the National Economic Council (NEC) presented under the National Livestock Transformation Plan (2018-2027). It is conceptualized to permanently halt the age-long herders-farmers crises and to massively develop the livestock industry.
The FGN is experimenting it for herdsmen in 12 pilot states nationwide, which it disclosed through, Alh. Mohammadu Umar, the Permanent Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, during an interview with journalists in Abuja, at the workshop on Regional Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and associated legislations in West Africa.
Again, we reiterate that we cannot understand the opposition of some States Governors to it, especially, those who are apostles’ of cattle ranching because Ruga settlement is the same with it in colour and operation. They are all about restriction of cattle movements; but open to stationary operations of herders in selected camps, licensed and protected with appropriate legislations by the FGN. For Christ’s sake, nomads are also Nigerians
The Ruga settlements would have modern facilities and amenities, and ventinary clinics for treatment of cattle to enhance greater productivity. It is what states which have passed anti-open grazing laws have advocated in such laws.
So, where is the confusion and why the resistance to Ruga settlements? Or could it be that we hate our brother-herders so much that we think, shutting the doors against their only means of economic survival would give them the grace to sing songs of praises of this fraternity? Everything about life, is live, lets live!
Please, we must be reasonable for once! The Ruga pilot programme has already commenced on a 31,000-hectare in Kotongora, Niger state. It is within the same Middle Belt and North Central region particularly.
We believe the FGN is working in tandem with a World Bank recommendation which stated as far back as 1954, after a review of pastoralism in Nigeria that “stabilization” was the most important and critical ingredient in the expansion and modernization of cattle production in the country.
Therefore, among the three proposals the World Bank recommended were establishment of “grazing reserves to be protected by law; provision of land rights to the pastoralists and the development of communal villages in grazing reserves as a means of bringing livestock into peasant agriculture.”
Let us remind that even in a post independent Nigeria and precisely in 1965, these World Bank recommendations were passed in to law. And it consented to a minimum 10% of the country’s land area to be legally acquired and constituted into grazing reserves for lease allocation to grazers.
Unfortunately, as we speak, only about 23 proposed grazing areas out of 299 proposed in the then Northern states, including Abuja, amounting to 2.3 million hectares have been operationalized. And it covers only slightly above 500,000 hectares of land for Nigeria’s cattle population which is estimated at over 19 million cattle?
There is no fairness in this posturing and grandstanding by these Governors and other opposers to Ruga Settlements’. We must do the needful now, by embracing the Ruga Settlements’ as a modern -day recodification and re-modelling of grazing reserves.
By our thinking, this is what Ruga settlements means and it is only the FGN which has the financial muscle to implement it. And it is the most preferable to the popularized concept of ranching because, while Ruga settlements are insulated and protected from abuse by local forces; ranching exposes herders to the near dictatorial tendencies of local communities, which would again open fresh vistas of conflicts.
We must give peace a chance. No Nigerian alive today can think forceful Islamisation of the country is possible. So, whatever conflicts between herders and farmers have no religious undertones and its time, we call a spade a spade.
What we are now attempting to understand is not new. It has always existed in the Northern region and even recognized by the colonial government. Yes, we made mistakes. But we cannot perish the idea of grazing reserves, now renamed Ruga settlements, which share every affinity with ranching.
Nigeria has over 40 million hectares of grazing lands, but just about 3 million hectares are specifically tagged as grazing reserves established under the Northern Region Grazing Reserves Law of 1965.
And furthermore, from Nigeria’s total of 417 grazing reserves, only about 113 have been gazetted. So, the permanent rehabilitation of herders can neither be overlooked nor ignored by anyone.
And before the Whitemen removed the veil from our eyes in the guise of colonization, we had traditional grazing grounds called “Hurmi,” and such lands were strategically located at the vicinity of the towns and villages throughout Northern Nigeria. We need peace and harmonious existence.
So, we have lived with this idea and these modern-day crusaders of anti- Ruga settlements should know. And rewinding history backwards further, we will understand that as far back as 1901, Nigeria recognized nomadism in the use of land, when a devastating drought occurred in some parts of Northern Nigeria.
The understanding to persuade nomads to settle in areas of greener pastures within the North, the move was first made in 1942. Riyom near Jos, in present-day Plateau State is famed for this settlement, where pastoralists were encouraged to settle. Each herding household unit was allocated a piece of land and persuaded to engage in mixed farming and alongside development of pasture areas.
We have appreciated the issue of population explosion and the attendant consequences of scramble for lands. But to think that we can make these calculations, and ignore pastoralists is unwise. We are obligated to factor them into it. And Ruga Settlements provides this succor nomads need desperately.
To continue to sustain the argument of resistance in accommodating them is not only foolish, but chaotic and a sure path of nourishing the anarchy our people have had to bear these years.
Let’s learn from the wisdom of Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, who said; “herdsmen, let us appreciate, are perhaps humanity’s earliest known tourists. They must be taught however that there is a culture of the settlement, and learn to seek accommodation with settled hosts wherever encountered.” Ruga Settlements provides the finest and nicest platform for such co-habitation to pastoralists.
Therefore, the Concerned Middle- Belt Citizens Forum” (CMBCF) believes that the initiative of the FGN on Ruga Settlements for pastoralists is the ultimate antidote for peaceful co-existence and harmonious working relationship between herders and farmers and by implication, all the citizens of Nigeria.
Those opposed or antagonizing it, especially the State Governors, are doing so out of mischief. Or perhaps, to extract their pound of flesh from Mr. President for depriving them access to council funds, which they mindlessly siphoned; and strengthening the judiciary at the state level and working towards total autonomy for the 744 Local Government councils in Nigeria.
These are two different issues, which should not be mixed under whatever guise. We want the opposers to Ruga settlements to be guided accordingly.

Health Tips by Dr Oyebade Obalola


As a man, keeping your penis healthy and sweet is important.

Your sexual organs are very valuable and must be cared for.

1. A clean penis is very important so wash your penis with warm water at least twice a day. Clean the scrotum and under the penis shaft gently and scrub your scrotal sack too.

2. Leaving too much hair around the penis is not cool.

During sex,the hair can cause cuts on the vaginal organs and condom.

Also, hair around the base of the penis can be breeding ground for boils and cause bad odour so shave or keep it short and clean.

3. Don’t pamper the penis too much, As soon as you notice an infection, boil, rashes, please get help immediately.

4. Many guys wear one boxer for a whole week or even a month but for health reasons pls change your boxers everyday.

Dirty boxer may give your penis a permanent bad smell and a bad taste.

5. Guys what you eat affects the taste of your semen or penile juice.

Avoid too much garlic, onion, alcohol,coffee and spicy foods.

Eat fruits that are high in natural sugar like oranges, apples, mangoes and please take honey too.

They all make your sperm taste good to feed the egg for a healthy baby.

6. A woman’s face may need makeup but not your penis.

Avoid using powder around the penis. If you do, especially after shaving, you might have to deal with serious irritations.

The penis doesn’t need perfume to smell good so don’t spray perfume around your penis.

*NB*: For those who are not circumcised, in your case, please pull back the the foreskin and wash underneath with warm water everyday.

Always remember, a clean penis is mightier than Goliath’s sword..

Finally guys, please go for a quick check up if you notice any changes within your scrotum, this could be a sign of prostrate cancer.

It’s common among men about and above 50years of age.